Demarcate: Territorial Shift in Personal and Societal Mapping | San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, CA | 2016

Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992–1995 Ethnic Cleansing Campaign & 1997 SFOR Troop Deployment | 2012 | 110 x 70 cm

In this work, Chung hand-rendered a map that charts the dead & missing of the 1992-1995 ethnic cleansing campaign in the Bosnia-Herzegovina civil war, a war during which approximately 100,000 people were killed. Shen then superimposed this chart on an ink drawing bearing the names of countries representing the 1997 NATO-led Stabilization Force (SFOR) Troop Deployment for peace keeping. The work exemplifies Chung”s employment of cartographic works to reflect the failures of global powers in articulating the ramifications of conflicts and geographical & political demarcations of land on a human level.


A Collective Present | Spring Workshop, Hong Kong | 2017


When Things Fall Apart: Critical Voices on the Radars | Trapholt Museum, Denmark | 2016