The Việt Nam Exodus Project | Hong Kong Chapter | Art Basel Hong Kong | 2016
UNHCR records and figures: remapping regional movements, arrivals and resettlements of V-refugees in 1979 | 2016 | 110 x 70 cm
from the sea and back to the sea – the ten-year journey of a stateless, unaccompanied minor | 2016 | map: 80 x 100 cm; plaque: 19 x 33.5 cm
flotsam and jetsam | 2015-2016 | 28 watercolor paintings, 40 text pieces engraved on plexiglass, 2 video on tablets
all watercolors are part of Việt Nam Exodus History Learning Project, carried out in collaboration with Ho Hung, Le Nam Dy, Nguyen Van Du, Nguyen Kim To Lan
A Study of Pillar Point VRC and A Ten-Year Journey of An Unaccompanied Minor | 2016/2018 | 79 x 100 cm
HKSAR statistics on yearly arrivals and departures of V-refugees from 1975-1997 | 2016 | 79 x 100 cm
permanent transitory homes: HK correctional institutions, detention centers and refugee camps from archival records and Google mapping | 2015 | 75 x 92 cm