Dismantling the Scaffold | Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong | 2018
The Vietnam Exodus Project | 2015 - ongoing
Water Dreamscape Scroll: the gangster named Jacky, the sleepers, and the exodus | 2017-2018 | watercolor on paper | 113.5 x 924.5 cm | from Vietnam Exodus History Learning Project, in collaboration with Hồ Hưng and Huỳnh Quốc Bảo
Response from the UNHCR and worldwide countries in the immediate years | 2015-ongoing | reproduction of archival records | 21.6 x 28 cm each | Courtesy Archives of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
map: permanent transitory homes: HK correctional institutions, detention centers and refugee camps from archival records and Google mapping | 2015 | 75 x 92 cm
A pilgrimage to the offshore islands | 2014-2017 | found footage from AP & UNHCR | Courtesy Video Unit of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees & others
reconstructing an exodus history: flight routes from camps and of ODP cases | 2017 | embroidery on fabric | 140 x 350 cm
km 0–Son’s story | 2017 | HD, audio | 33:19 mins
Panel Discussion: Asylum Policy | Refugee Experience | 2018
Panel Discussion: Asylum Policy | Refugee Experience | 2018
Panel Discussion: Art in Times of Crisis | 2018