Seismograph: Sensing the City - Art in the Urban Age, Art Stage Singapore | 2016
Thủ Thiêm: an archaeological project for future remembrance | 2013
(L) knowing into oblivion | 2013 | digital C-type on 26 glass plates | 16 x 23.4 cm each
maps (L): Đồn Cá Trê c.1698 in Le Brun’s 1795 urban planning map of Saigon | 2013 | 110 x 70 cm; (C) 1972 Thu Thiem Deveopment Plan by USAID | 2013 | 110 x 70 cm; (R) landscapes of a people yet to come–HCMC ICA plans for New Thu Thiem Urban Area | 2013 | 79 x 100 cm
windows: Erasure begins from the will to knowledge | 2013 | recovered windows from demolished houses | 126 x 126 x 20 cm
slab: 10°45’39”N 106°43’23”E | 2013 | 128 x 64 x 10 cm; videos: landscapes and traces of a people yet to come | 2013 | 3-channel video, HD, sound | 6:26 mins