Six Lines of Flight | San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | 2012
one giant great flood 2050 | 2010 | ink & oil on vellum and paper | 110 x 70 cm
Development Stages of Cluj from 12th Century to 1957 | 2012 | ink and oil on paper | 98 x 135 cm
San Francisco, 1895 USGS map: distribution of apparent intensity based on Rossi-Forel scale, the known faults, and the routes examined | 2012 | 96 x 62.5 cm
San Francisco, 1907 USGS map: the burned district, the city, and the principal conduits in the water supply system | 2012 | 96 x 62.5 cm
Recovering Beirut: half-way between the imaginary and reality, 1964-2016 | 2012 | 80 x 100 cm
Tangier 1943: the international zone | 2012 | ink and oil on paper | 110 x 180 cm
The Growth of Cali - city boundaries: 1780, 1880, 1921, 1930, 1937, 1951 | 2012 | 98 x 135 cm