Passage of Time
Tyler Rollins Fine Art, New York | 2019
El Pulpo: UFCo’s Great White Fleet routes and properties in Central America & the Caribbean | 2019 | 137 x 137 cm
CIA Study of Assassination sketch | 2019 | ink, acrylic, oil on paper | 30.5 x 30.5 cm
Guatemala: UFCo PBSUCCESS 06.1954 | 2019 | 76.2 x 100.33 cm
Ministry of Propaganda, Guatemala: steps towards a new intelligence system | 2019 | 28 x 37.34 cm each [illustrations by Jorge Hurtado based on archival CIA stick figure sketch]
Guatemala Human Rights Commission: selected cases of violence in relations to current mega projects | 2019 | 71 x 88.3 cm
Guatemala-Memory of Silence, CEH report: number of massacres by Department | 2019 | 96.5 x 63 cm
Guatemala Memorial-selected names from Diario Militar & GHRC Tracking Human Rights | 2019 | 305 x 357 cm [25.5 x 35.6 cm each; 120 pieces]
selected cases of pirate attacks in the Gulf of Thailand, Oct 1985 -- June 1986 | 2019 | 96.5 x 63 cm
(L) Destination Songkhla: pirate attacks in the Gulf of Thailand, Oct-Dec 1985 | 1999/2019 | acrylic, glitter, fabric on 19 cotton hankerchiefs | 39.37 x 39.37 cm each
(R) Destination Pulau Bidong: pirate attacks in the Gulf of Thailand, Dec1985- June 1986 | 1999/2019 | acrylic, glitter, fabric on 19 cotton hankerchiefs | 39.37 x 39.37 cm each
sculpture: Work Is Glorious, Long Live The Party! | 2008/2019
a case study of the UNHCR Hong Kong Refugee Status Determination: escape journey of a stateless ethnic-Chinese Vietnamese between 1978-1997 | 2019 | 76.2 x 100.33 cm
sculpture: 101.6 x 172.72 cm | decal: 172.72 x 265.43 cm
bamboo, wire, papier-mâché, pompons, adhesive, vinyl decals
km 0 - Son’s story | 2017 | HD video | 33:19 minutes
Recipes of Necessity | 2014 | HD video | 33 minutes
Collective Remembrance of The War: voices from the exiles [4 selected interviews from a series of 21] | 2018-2019 | HD video | durations variable